Gotta Be Honest - Watching Your Team Play Against Messi Absolutely Sucks And Will Drain Your Soul Of Any Fun You Can Have As A Fan

I know I don't talk about FC Cincinnati a lot, because, well, the goal is to get pageviews. But I love this team dating back to the USL days. They are the one team in the area I let myself root for because 1) it's soccer and 2) I'm not originally from here and I'm not an adult weirdo who will ever stop cheering for my teams even through all the bad times and there are plenty I've had. So as someone who loves FC Cincinnati, this match was marked ever since Messi decided to come to the MLS.

Well, it sucks. 

I say this as a Messi guy too. Not sure if you could ever tell that through the blogs, but yeah, Messi guy here. There's something about watching him against your team that you just know is not going to end well. He didn't even score! That alone felt like a win since, you know, he's scored in every single game he's played in for Inter Miami. Side note - it's weird he's technically played an MLS game yet because of all these tournaments. 

But even with homefield advantage. Even with a damn good team this year. It didn't matter. I'm not going to blame the script that the MLS wants Messi to win every match because it's good business. I'm here to say watching your team chase Messi around for 90+ minutes is exhausting and will absolutely drain your soul of any fun. I guess that's what makes him so fucking good. 

I mean the match even started with an Argentinian number 10 scoring. That had to be a good omen: 

It didn't even matter that FCC had a goal called back because Brandon Vazquez is fucking good. All he does is score goals. 

Then Messi happened. Twice. 

You kidding me with that last fucking assist? Right before the buzzer too. How do Cincinnati fans deal with heartbreak like this in every sport every single year? It's brutal. Blowing a lead after the 65th minute or fighting back just to lose again, I'm not sure what's worse: 

All that just to lose in the final PK. Brutal. But that's the Messi effect, I suppose. Dude just rips hearts out, smiles and wins. I don't ever want to see him against FC Cincinnati again. Take a night off, unless I happen to be there. Dude is unreal. 

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